I have managed to get my Spring Blooms quilt finished that I showed in the last post and it is now packaged up waiting to be posted tomorrow. I can't say where it is going to as unlike some swaps we only get the name of the person to whom we are sending our quilt.
Also packaged up are two small bags that I made up this week having seen Patsy Thompson's tutorial on her blog. One is for a friend who is now living in France and whose birthday was on Friday - she's used to me being late. I made is slightly shorter and added a lining but was really pleased with how easily it goes together. I may even make one for myself at some stage.
A couple of years ago I decided to risk putting up some bird feeders (those of you who share your homes with cats know why I considered this to be a risk) and as the last few days have been so hot I thought it was time that I gave the poor things something to drink so I went out and bought a bird bath. Were they grateful - not at all, they haven't been anywhere near it yet. Here it is looking very lonely. I will just have to wait and see how long it takes for them to find it.
Now it just so happens that the route to the garden centre goes past my local quilting shop Quiltessential. Fortunately they were closed when I went but of course when I came back they were open so I couldn't just drive past could I?
Happy sewing