Wednesday, 31 March 2010

I am leaving Blogger

After the fiasco with Picasa making photos on most blogs invisible earlier in the week I have decided to go over to Wordpress and see how it goes. I am not closing this blog down entirely as I have not yet discovered how to get alerts to your new posts yet so will have to pop back here on a daily basis. My first impressions are that it is much easier to work with, particularly regarding photos, and I like the clean lines.

For the time being I will just put up a link on here each time I create a new post, which will take you straight to it. I have asked for your input though as I am still in two minds.

The new blog is here - same name, different look.

I hope that some of you will pop over and see me but whatever you decide enjoy what you are creating.



  1. It is a pity, I had no problems with this one, but soon on the second

  2. I shall be interested to hear what you think about the new blog site Maggi. I'll still be following you, you are an inspiration to me, and I love all your wonderful creativity.

    Very envious too, or your nocturnal visitors! What a treat.

  3. I went over to Wordpress because Blogger was always causing problems. Wordpress does too , occasionally, but they are very good when you contact them and come back to you very quickly. There are also watchers who send emails to help with any problems.
    It is easier to use than Blogger.
    I have kept Blogger as it still gets lots of hits.
    I write my blog in Wordpress then copy and paste it into blogger so that it is duplicated very quickly and easily.

  4. OMG Maggi, don't do that to me. Good thing I was sitting down.
    Will be interested to know how you get on. Will be watching---both sites.

  5. I'm just popping over to your other blog now Maggi. Sorry you've had so many problems.

  6. I am intrigued by this idea. Is Wordpress free? Can you import everything from your old blog to wordpress?
    It certainly looks very clean and simple as you say.


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