Wednesday 27 August 2008

Lesson three begins

I had not intended to do any embellishing today as I wanted to get on with my OU, however, even receiving the previous assignment back this morning did not stop me procrastinating. I only have tomorrow left before work begins again so really I should be more disciplined, particularly as this is the final one before the exam and so there are no extensions allowed.  

I should have gone with what I intended as the embellishing was not a success anyway. I put the woven piece onto pelmet vilene because I wanted to machine stitch, intending to use the soldering iron to cut away any excess for a distressed look and lo and behold it didn't work - I only bought this one at the FOQ as well and have only used it briefly once to try it out. Changed the fuse, checked it all out but nothing so had to resort to cutting away the area which wasn't what I had intended. Added to the fact that I did not like the colourway, pretty much a wasted day I guess. That'll teach me!

1 comment:

  1. Now Now Maggi - a day is never wasted if you produce something ....! You always learn something, as your last remark suggests! I like your piece, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too - and it is a lot better than my piece of weaving, I can assure you!! I seem to find weaving very predictable - it seems hard for me to find a 'what if' feeling about it.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying such nice things, by the way. Val


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