I have a couple of people to say thank you to today for different reasons. Firstly
Micki who sent me a beautiful lace bookmark from her giveaway together with an embroidered postcard for a swap we have agreed to do. They will both be treasured and the bookmark will be used a great deal. Thanks Micki, your card will be in the post on Monday.

Lesley gave me this award last week.

Thank you Lesley. I now have to nominate 3 other Creative blogs, add a link to them here and leave a message on their blog to let them know they have the award. It is not easy choosing only three as all the blogs I follow would qualify but, in the spirit of the award I have chosen:-
Donna - a fibre artist from Canada who creates beautiful pieces and also has recently posted pictures of her new puppy on her blog - he is so cute.
Micki - an America now living in Ireland. She does beautiful embroidered work as well as a host of other hand work.
Sandra - a dyer and quilter from West Yorkshire. Her blog is both colourful and inspirational.
Do visit these blogs and check them out.
Today's blog is short as I am under pressure to get something finished for Saturday. Will post about that when it is finally finished.
Take care to all my readers