Monday, 9 February 2009

Thinking of you in Australia

To all Australians who are caught up in the horror of the fires, may you and your loved ones be kept safe.


  1. Hi Maggie. The fires are dreadful. There's a little something over on my blog for you. Hugs xx

  2. Can I join you in this? Watching the news has been horrifying enough but to have to experience it - well, I can't find words to express my feelings.

  3. Thankyou for your encouragement and helpful suggestions on my woven textile piece. Having forfeited a perfectly good piece of embroidery I must persevere so as not to waste it altogether. I shall try the handstitching, but it will be hard going in places due to the double thickness here and there.

  4. I send a hug to all the Australian people.
    And a big kiss to you.
    ciao ciao

  5. That is very sweet. I live away from the fires, but I am Victorian and have lived in Flowerdale and often went to Kinglake.


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